1 Ounce of Gold Price
2660.5 USD

1 Ounce≈ 31.104 Grams

Enter Units
Select Weight
Select Country:
Select Karat
Spread (Optional): %

The above calculation is based on the spot gold price, and the current gold price per Ounce is = $2660.495 USD.

Gold Price Data Last Updated on 13-Jan-2025 20:42:02 America Detroit Time

Gold Price Calculator

Gold Price Calculator of Real-Time Gold Rates. Units: Ounce, Gram, Kilo, Tola, Bhori. Karats: 22K, 18K, 14K, 10K. Currencies: USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, EUR, AED, NZD, INR, PKR, etc. The above calculation is related to country: USA, and currency: US DOLLAR (USD).

gold price calculator results

How Gold Calculator Works?

Select the desired options (e.g., unit: Gram, country: United States, etc.) as shown in the image 1, and click on the calculate button, then you will see the relevant results like image 2. Along with the calculation results, it displays the conversion from Troy Ounce to Gram, Kilo, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. For example, 1 Tola≈ 11.664 Grams, 1 Troy Ounce≈ 31.1035 Grams, 1 Bhori≈ 11.664 Grams, etc. Also, it shows the latest currency rate being used in the calculation.

gold price calculator elements
gold price calculator results

What is the Karat in the Gold Calculation?

Karat depicts the purity of gold (see 3 in the first image). For example, if you have some jewelry of 100 grams that is made of 22K (or 22 Karat) gold (excluding any stone, etc.), then it contains 91 grams pure gold and 9 grams impurities like Zinc, Silver, etc.

Purity Calculation Formula = (Karat Value /24) x 100
22K gold calculation: (22/24) x 100 = 91.6% pure gold
18K gold calculation: (18/24) x 100 = 75% pure gold
14K gold calculation: (14/24) x 100 = 58.3% pure gold
10K gold calculation: (10/24) x 100 = 41.6% pure gold

What is the Spread Value in the Calculation?

The spread value (or price spread) indicates the range between purchasing and selling price. For example, in gold businesses, there are two rates being used for buying and selling. When you buy, the ask price will be used, while selling the bid price will be used. In our calculator, you can skip the spread option (see 4 in the first image) that is an optional field.

With our gold price calculator, you can estimate the latest 24K, 22K, 18K, 14K, 10K gold price per Gram, Ounce, Kilo, Tola, Bhori, etc. in US Dollar, AUD, CAD, EUR, or any currency of the world.

Different Karats or Purity of Gold