Today's Gold Price in Seychelles

The Gold Price in Seychelles per Gram today is 1,163.24 SCR (Seychelles Rupees). The price of other gold units are 36180.76 SCR per Ounce, 1163238.65 SCR per Kilo, and 13567.79 SCR per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of Seychelles

The data of was last updated on: NOV-07-2024 03:56 am (GMT+04:00) Indian Mahe Time.

Seychelles Gold Rates on 06-Nov-2024

Gold Units24K Gold Price in SCR 24K Gold Price in USD
1 Gram 1,161.45 SCR $85.49
10 Grams 11,614.46 SCR $854.91
1 Kilo 1,161,446.08 SCR $85,490.97
1 Ounce 36,182.12 SCR $2,663.27
1 Tola 13,568.30 SCR $998.73
1 Bhori 13,547.11 SCR $997.17
1 Pennyweight 56,269.35 SCR $4,141.84
The above prices are based on 24K gold.

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 13.5866 SCR
1 SCR = 0.07461 USD
SCR Currency Data Last Update: NOV-07-2024 03:04 am (GMT+04:00) Indian Mahe Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 24K Gold, which is 100% pure
30 Days Gold Price Chart

Seychelles Currency Information

The following data is related to Seychelles only
Date 1 USD to SCR
NOV-06-2024 13.584 SCR
NOV-05-2024 13.767 SCR
NOV-04-2024 13.968 SCR
NOV-03-2024 13.601 SCR
NOV-02-2024 14.117 SCR
NOV-01-2024 14.117 SCR
OCT-31-2024 14.292 SCR
OCT-30-2024 14.243 SCR
OCT-29-2024 13.241 SCR
OCT-28-2024 13.881 SCR
OCT-27-2024 13.212 SCR
OCT-26-2024 13.212 SCR
OCT-25-2024 13.22 SCR
OCT-24-2024 13.25 SCR
OCT-23-2024 13.25 SCR
OCT-22-2024 13.391 SCR
OCT-21-2024 13.765 SCR
OCT-20-2024 14.093 SCR
OCT-19-2024 14.093 SCR
OCT-18-2024 14.19 SCR
OCT-17-2024 13.998 SCR
OCT-16-2024 13.998 SCR
OCT-15-2024 15.141 SCR
OCT-14-2024 14.295 SCR
OCT-13-2024 13.58 SCR
OCT-12-2024 13.58 SCR
OCT-11-2024 13.586 SCR
OCT-10-2024 13.237 SCR
OCT-09-2024 13.503 SCR
OCT-08-2024 13.385 SCR

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: Seychelles, Currency: SCR, Unit: Gram
Date 24K Gold Price per Gram 24K Gold Price per Ounce
NOV-06-2024 1163.8 36199.6
NOV-05-2024 1213.6 37748.7
NOV-04-2024 1229.3 38234.8
NOV-03-2024 1196.7 37222.7
NOV-02-2024 1242.2 38635.3
NOV-01-2024 1242.3 38640.7
OCT-31-2024 1263.2 39289.5
OCT-30-2024 1276.5 39704.8
OCT-29-2024 1180.8 36726.3
OCT-28-2024 1223.6 38059.3
OCT-27-2024 1167.1 36301.1
OCT-26-2024 1167.1 36301.1
OCT-25-2024 1165.5 36251.7
OCT-24-2024 1165.1 36240.1
OCT-23-2024 1156.5 35971.1
OCT-22-2024 1182.6 36781.5
OCT-21-2024 1202.2 37392.2
OCT-20-2024 1233.2 38358.4
OCT-19-2024 1233.2 38358.4
OCT-18-2024 1240.7 38590.6
OCT-17-2024 1211.2 37672
OCT-16-2024 1203.4 37429.6
OCT-15-2024 1297.8 40364.7
OCT-14-2024 1218.3 37894.7
OCT-13-2024 1160.1 36083.5
OCT-12-2024 1160.1 36083.5
OCT-11-2024 1160.8 36104.5
OCT-10-2024 1119.3 34814.7
OCT-09-2024 1132.8 35232.7
OCT-08-2024 1126.6 35042

This page is about the latest gold price in Seychelles. Units: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. Currency: Seychelles Rupee (SCR). Charts related to the current gold rates in Seychelles(Mahe) are presented above as well.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K