Today's Gold Price in Philippines

The Gold Price in Philippines per Gram today is 4,491.33 PHP (Philippine Pesos). The price of other gold units are 139696 PHP per Ounce, 4491331.19 PHP per Kilo, and 52386 PHP per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of Philippines

The data of was last updated on: JUL-27-2024 10:48 am (GMT+08:00) Asia Manila Time.

Philippines Gold Rates on 27-Jul-2024

Gold Units24K Gold Price in PHP 24K Gold Price in USD
1 Gram 4,484.43 PHP $76.66
10 Grams 44,844.29 PHP $766.56
1 Kilo 4,484,429.40 PHP $76,655.60
1 Ounce 139,701.85 PHP $2,388.03
1 Tola 52,388.19 PHP $895.51
1 Bhori 52,306.38 PHP $894.11
1 Pennyweight 217,260.13 PHP $3,713.78
The above prices are based on 24K gold.

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 58.502 PHP
1 PHP = 0.01809 USD
PHP Currency Data Last Update: JUL-27-2024 02:04 pm (GMT+08:00) Asia Manila Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 24K Gold, which is 100% pure

Latest Chart of this Year's Gold

12 months gold price chart

Philippines Currency Information

The following data is related to Philippines only
Date 1 USD to PHP
JUL-26-2024 58.516 PHP
JUL-25-2024 58.537 PHP
JUL-24-2024 58.537 PHP
JUL-23-2024 58.459 PHP
JUL-22-2024 58.417 PHP
JUL-21-2024 58.396 PHP
JUL-20-2024 58.339 PHP
JUL-19-2024 58.359 PHP
JUL-18-2024 58.346 PHP
JUL-17-2024 58.23 PHP
JUL-16-2024 58.373 PHP
JUL-15-2024 58.489 PHP
JUL-14-2024 58.411 PHP
JUL-13-2024 58.411 PHP
JUL-12-2024 58.386 PHP
JUL-11-2024 58.22 PHP
JUL-10-2024 58.273 PHP
JUL-09-2024 58.503 PHP
JUL-08-2024 58.534 PHP
JUL-07-2024 58.521 PHP
JUL-06-2024 58.521 PHP
JUL-05-2024 58.544 PHP
JUL-04-2024 58.553 PHP
JUL-03-2024 58.651 PHP
JUL-02-2024 58.806 PHP
JUL-01-2024 58.748 PHP
JUN-30-2024 58.408 PHP
JUN-29-2024 58.408 PHP
JUN-28-2024 58.404 PHP
JUN-27-2024 58.637 PHP

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: Philippines, Currency: PHP, Unit: Gram
Date 24K Gold Price per Gram 24K Gold Price per Ounce
JUL-26-2024 4485.2 139506.8
JUL-25-2024 4437 138004.8
JUL-24-2024 4532 140959.8
JUL-23-2024 4524.8 140737.8
JUL-22-2024 4502 140027.7
JUL-21-2024 4503.7 140082.2
JUL-20-2024 4499.3 139943.4
JUL-19-2024 4500.5 139980.6
JUL-18-2024 4583.1 142550
JUL-17-2024 4605.2 143238.7
JUL-16-2024 4627.5 143932.9
JUL-15-2024 4553.6 141634.1
JUL-14-2024 4528.1 140840.5
JUL-13-2024 4528.1 140840.5
JUL-12-2024 4531.7 140953.3
JUL-11-2024 4523.1 140683.8
JUL-10-2024 4442.3 138171.4
JUL-09-2024 4449.1 138383.3
JUL-08-2024 4437 138005.3
JUL-07-2024 4500 139966.8
JUL-06-2024 4500 139966.8
JUL-05-2024 4503.3 140067.4
JUL-04-2024 4437.3 138016.7
JUL-03-2024 4443.2 138199.3
JUL-02-2024 4403.5 136962.9
JUL-01-2024 4400.9 136883.1
JUN-30-2024 4366.9 135825.4
JUN-29-2024 4366.9 135825.4
JUN-28-2024 4366.4 135811.1
JUN-27-2024 4386.4 136433.6

This page is about the latest gold price in Philippines. Units: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. Currency: Philippine Peso (PHP). Charts related to the current gold rates in Philippines(Manila) are presented above as well.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K