Today's Gold Price in Burundi

The Gold Price in Burundi per Gram today is 245,632.31 BIF (Burundian Francs). The price of other gold units are 7640018.1 BIF per Ounce, 245632311.93 BIF per Kilo, and 2865006.79 BIF per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of Burundi

The data of was last updated on: OCT-07-2024 05:16 pm (GMT+02:00) Africa Bujumbura Time.

Burundi Gold Rates on 07-Oct-2024

Gold Units24K Gold Price in BIF 24K Gold Price in USD
1 Gram 245,253.87 BIF $84.79
10 Grams 2,452,538.66 BIF $847.90
1 Kilo 245,253,865.94 BIF $84,789.58
1 Ounce 7,640,307.35 BIF $2,641.42
1 Tola 2,865,115.26 BIF $990.53
1 Bhori 2,860,641.09 BIF $988.99
1 Pennyweight 11,881,976.78 BIF $4,107.86
The above prices are based on 24K gold.

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 2892.501 BIF
1 BIF = 0.00135 USD
BIF Currency Data Last Update: OCT-07-2024 05:04 pm (GMT+02:00) Africa Bujumbura Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 24K Gold, which is 100% pure
30 Days Gold Price Chart

Burundi Currency Information

The following data is related to Burundi only
Date 1 USD to BIF
OCT-06-2024 2913.173 BIF
OCT-05-2024 2913.173 BIF
OCT-04-2024 2892.498 BIF
OCT-03-2024 2890.998 BIF
OCT-02-2024 2892.498 BIF
OCT-01-2024 2893.498 BIF
SEP-30-2024 2892.498 BIF
SEP-29-2024 2889.998 BIF
SEP-28-2024 2889.998 BIF
SEP-27-2024 2889.998 BIF
SEP-26-2024 2900.228 BIF
SEP-25-2024 2895.998 BIF
SEP-24-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-23-2024 2893.998 BIF
SEP-22-2024 2894.389 BIF
SEP-21-2024 2894.389 BIF
SEP-20-2024 2899.745 BIF
SEP-19-2024 2893.998 BIF
SEP-18-2024 2892.998 BIF
SEP-17-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-16-2024 2896.998 BIF
SEP-15-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-14-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-13-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-12-2024 2895.998 BIF
SEP-11-2024 2897.998 BIF
SEP-10-2024 2894.998 BIF
SEP-09-2024 2887.998 BIF
SEP-08-2024 2891.889 BIF
SEP-07-2024 2891.889 BIF

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: Burundi, Currency: BIF, Unit: Gram
Date 24K Gold Price per Gram 24K Gold Price per Ounce
OCT-06-2024 248387.4 7725716
OCT-05-2024 248387.4 7725716
OCT-04-2024 246104.2 7654702.5
OCT-03-2024 247097.1 7685584.4
OCT-02-2024 247023.9 7683309
OCT-01-2024 247652.2 7702849.5
SEP-30-2024 244463.3 7603664.2
SEP-29-2024 246558.2 7668821.7
SEP-28-2024 246558.2 7668821.7
SEP-27-2024 246062.5 7653403.7
SEP-26-2024 249617 7763963.9
SEP-25-2024 247765.1 7706362
SEP-24-2024 247351.5 7693496.4
SEP-23-2024 244453.3 7603352.6
SEP-22-2024 243928 7587013.1
SEP-21-2024 243928 7587013.1
SEP-20-2024 244409.2 7601982.7
SEP-19-2024 240813.9 7490154.4
SEP-18-2024 238636 7422415.7
SEP-17-2024 239146.8 7438301.5
SEP-16-2024 240332.3 7475177.1
SEP-15-2024 240202.3 7471131.8
SEP-14-2024 240202.3 7471131.8
SEP-13-2024 240075.7 7467193.6
SEP-12-2024 238083.2 7405220.9
SEP-11-2024 233999.9 7278215.5
SEP-10-2024 234280.8 7286951.4
SEP-09-2024 232430.6 7229404.6
SEP-08-2024 232211 7222574
SEP-07-2024 232211 7222574

This page is about the latest gold price in Burundi. Units: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. Currency: Burundian Franc (BIF). Charts related to the current gold rates in Burundi(Bujumbura) are presented above as well.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K