Today's Gold Price in Zambia

The Gold Price in Zambia per Gram today is 2,231.83 ZMW (Zambian Kwachas). The price of other gold units are 69417.52 ZMW per Ounce, 2231825.44 ZMW per Kilo, and 26031.57 ZMW per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of Zambia

The data of was last updated on: SEP-21-2024 03:24 am (GMT+02:00) Africa Lusaka Time.

Zambia Gold Rates on 21-Sep-2024

Gold Units24K Gold Price in ZMW 24K Gold Price in USD
1 Gram 2,228.39 ZMW $84.15
10 Grams 22,283.88 ZMW $841.46
1 Kilo 2,228,387.51 ZMW $84,146.30
1 Ounce 69,420.17 ZMW $2,621.38
1 Tola 26,032.56 ZMW $983.02
1 Bhori 25,991.91 ZMW $981.48
1 Pennyweight 107,960.17 ZMW $4,076.69
The above prices are based on 24K gold.

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 26.4833 ZMW
1 ZMW = 0.03876 USD
ZMW Currency Data Last Update: SEP-21-2024 03:04 am (GMT+02:00) Africa Lusaka Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 24K Gold, which is 100% pure
30 Days Gold Price Chart

Zambia Currency Information

The following data is related to Zambia only
Date 1 USD to ZMW
SEP-20-2024 26.48 ZMW
SEP-19-2024 26.59 ZMW
SEP-18-2024 26.481 ZMW
SEP-17-2024 26.431 ZMW
SEP-16-2024 26.436 ZMW
SEP-15-2024 26.28 ZMW
SEP-14-2024 26.28 ZMW
SEP-13-2024 26.275 ZMW
SEP-12-2024 26.283 ZMW
SEP-11-2024 26.415 ZMW
SEP-10-2024 26.295 ZMW
SEP-09-2024 26.269 ZMW
SEP-08-2024 26.304 ZMW
SEP-07-2024 26.304 ZMW
SEP-06-2024 26.278 ZMW
SEP-05-2024 26.312 ZMW
SEP-04-2024 26.145 ZMW
SEP-03-2024 26.168 ZMW
SEP-02-2024 26.197 ZMW
SEP-01-2024 26.111 ZMW
AUG-31-2024 26.073 ZMW
AUG-30-2024 26.073 ZMW
AUG-29-2024 26.095 ZMW
AUG-28-2024 25.915 ZMW
AUG-27-2024 26.271 ZMW
AUG-26-2024 26.3 ZMW
AUG-25-2024 26.045 ZMW
AUG-24-2024 26.045 ZMW
AUG-23-2024 26.262 ZMW
AUG-22-2024 26.042 ZMW

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: Zambia, Currency: ZMW, Unit: Gram
Date 24K Gold Price per Gram 24K Gold Price per Ounce
SEP-20-2024 2232 69424.5
SEP-19-2024 2212.7 68823.2
SEP-18-2024 2184.5 67944.8
SEP-17-2024 2183.5 67914.1
SEP-16-2024 2193.2 68217.3
SEP-15-2024 2180.6 67824
SEP-14-2024 2180.6 67824
SEP-13-2024 2179 67775.1
SEP-12-2024 2160.9 67211.6
SEP-11-2024 2133 66344.4
SEP-10-2024 2128.1 66190.5
SEP-09-2024 2114.2 65760.4
SEP-08-2024 2112.2 65697.9
SEP-07-2024 2112.2 65697.9
SEP-06-2024 2107 65534.5
SEP-05-2024 2128.4 66201.2
SEP-04-2024 2096 65192
SEP-03-2024 2096.9 65221.7
SEP-02-2024 2109.8 65621
SEP-01-2024 2101.7 65371.4
AUG-31-2024 2098.7 65275.8
AUG-30-2024 2094.7 65153.7
AUG-29-2024 2117.9 65875.1
AUG-28-2024 2089.3 64983.3
AUG-27-2024 2132.5 66326.8
AUG-26-2024 2131.2 66287.3
AUG-25-2024 2104.1 65444.3
AUG-24-2024 2104.1 65444.3
AUG-23-2024 2120.7 65962.2
AUG-22-2024 2078.2 64640.4

This page is about the latest gold price in Zambia. Units: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. Currency: Zambian Kwacha (ZMW). Charts related to the current gold rates in Zambia(Lusaka) are presented above as well.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K