Today's 14K Gold Price in Guyana

The 14K Gold Price in Guyana per Gram today is 9,811.31 GYD (Guyanese Dollars). The price of other 14K gold units are 305165.92 GYD per Ounce, 9811313.19 GYD per Kilo, and 114437.22 GYD per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of Guyana

The data of was last updated on: SEP-07-2024 10:38 pm (GMT-04:00) New York, Guyana Time.

14 Karat Gold Rates in Guyanese Dollar on 08-Sep-2024

Gold Units14K Gold Price in GYD 24K Gold Price in GYD
1 Gram 9,796.22 GYD 16,793.52 GYD
10 Grams 97,962.18 GYD 167,935.17 GYD
1 Kilo 9,796,218.24 GYD 16,793,516.99 GYD
1 Ounce 305,178.14 GYD 523,162.52 GYD
1 Tola 114,441.80 GYD 196,185.95 GYD
1 Bhori 114,263.09 GYD 195,879.58 GYD
1 Pennyweight 474,603.89 GYD 813,606.66 GYD

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 209.465 GYD
1 GYD = 0.00577 USD
GYD Currency Data Last Update: SEP-07-2024 10:06 pm (GMT-04:00) New York, Guyana Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 14K Gold, which is 58.3% pure, and the 24K gold is 99.999% pure.
30 Days Gold Price Chart

Guyana Currency Information

The following data is related to Guyana only
Date 1 USD to GYD
SEP-07-2024 209.462 GYD
SEP-06-2024 209.254 GYD
SEP-05-2024 209.13 GYD
SEP-04-2024 209.334 GYD
SEP-03-2024 209.167 GYD
SEP-02-2024 209.216 GYD
SEP-01-2024 209.516 GYD
AUG-31-2024 209.209 GYD
AUG-30-2024 209.209 GYD
AUG-29-2024 209.786 GYD
AUG-28-2024 209.121 GYD
AUG-27-2024 209.198 GYD
AUG-26-2024 209.232 GYD
AUG-25-2024 207.555 GYD
AUG-24-2024 209.254 GYD
AUG-23-2024 209.254 GYD
AUG-22-2024 209.37 GYD
AUG-21-2024 209.371 GYD
AUG-20-2024 208.656 GYD
AUG-19-2024 209.294 GYD
AUG-18-2024 208.425 GYD
AUG-17-2024 208.425 GYD
AUG-16-2024 209.243 GYD
AUG-15-2024 209.16 GYD
AUG-14-2024 209.086 GYD
AUG-13-2024 209.116 GYD
AUG-12-2024 209.226 GYD
AUG-11-2024 209.334 GYD
AUG-10-2024 209.334 GYD
AUG-09-2024 209.334 GYD

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: Guyana, Currency: GYD, Unit: Gram
Date 14K Gold 24K Gold Difference
SEP-07-2024 9811 16819 7008 GYD
SEP-06-2024 9787 16778 6991 GYD
SEP-05-2024 9868 16916 7048 GYD
SEP-04-2024 9789 16781 6992 GYD
SEP-03-2024 9777 16761 6984 GYD
SEP-02-2024 9828 16848 7020 GYD
SEP-01-2024 9837 16864 7027 GYD
AUG-31-2024 9823 16839 7016 GYD
AUG-30-2024 9804 16808 7003 GYD
AUG-29-2024 9932 17026 7094 GYD
AUG-28-2024 9834 16858 7024 GYD
AUG-27-2024 9905 16980 7075 GYD
AUG-26-2024 9890 16954 7064 GYD
AUG-25-2024 9781 16767 6986 GYD
AUG-24-2024 9861 16904 7043 GYD
AUG-23-2024 9857 16897 7040 GYD
AUG-22-2024 9746 16707 6961 GYD
AUG-21-2024 9867 16915 7048 GYD
AUG-20-2024 9832 16855 7023 GYD
AUG-19-2024 9829 16850 7021 GYD
AUG-18-2024 9803 16806 7002 GYD
AUG-17-2024 9803 16806 7002 GYD
AUG-16-2024 9820 16835 7015 GYD
AUG-15-2024 9655 16552 6897 GYD
AUG-14-2024 9595 16449 6854 GYD
AUG-13-2024 9679 16592 6913 GYD
AUG-12-2024 9695 16619 6925 GYD
AUG-11-2024 9545 16363 6818 GYD
AUG-10-2024 9545 16363 6818 GYD
AUG-09-2024 9533 16342 6809 GYD

This page is about the latest 14K gold price in Guyana. Units: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Tola, Bhori, Baht, etc. Currency: Guyanese Dollar (GYD). Charts related to the current 14K gold rates in GuyanaGuyana are presented above as well. The 14K gold is 58.33% pure.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K