Today's 14K Gold Price in Grams in India

The 14K Gold Price in India per Gram today is 4,182.39 INR (Indian Rupees). The price of other 14K gold units are 130086.98 INR per Ounce, 4182394.09 INR per Kilo, and 48782.62 INR per Tola. For more detail and charts, please see the following table/s.

National Flat of India

The data of was last updated on: SEP-30-2024 04:58 am (GMT+05:30) Asia Kolkata Time.

14K Gold Price in India on 29-Sep-2024

Gram Gold 14K Gold Price 24K Gold Price
1 Gram in INR 4,182.55 7,170.09
1 Gram in USD$50.0 $85.6
1 Gram in KWD 15.2 26.1
1 Gram in GBP 37.3 64.0
1 Gram in CHF 42.0 72.0
1 Gram in EUR 44.7 76.7
1 Gram in SGD 64.0 109.7
1 Gram in CAD 67.5 115.7
1 Gram in AUD 72.3 123.9
1 Gram in QAR 181.9 311.9
1 Gram in AED 183.5 314.6
1 Gram in SAR 187.3 321.1
1 Gram in MYR 206.1 353.3
1 Gram in CNY 350.3 600.5
1 Gram in ZAR 855.0 1,465.8
1 Gram in THB 1,616.5 2,771.1
1 Gram in PHP 2,797.9 4,796.4
1 Gram in BDT 5,969.0 10,232.6
1 Gram in JPY 7,128.8 12,220.9
1 Gram in PKR 13,869.4 23,776.1

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Related Currency Information

1 USD = 83.7185 INR
1 INR = 0.01294 USD
INR Currency Data Last Update: SEP-30-2024 04:34 am (GMT+05:30) Asia Kolkata Time

1 Gram ≈ 0.032151 Troy Oz
This page is about 14K Gold, which is 58.3% pure, and the 24K gold is 99.999% pure.

Latest Chart of this Year's Gold

12 months gold price chart

India Currency Information

The following data is related to India only
Date 1 USD to INR
SEP-29-2024 83.715 INR
SEP-28-2024 83.715 INR
SEP-27-2024 83.717 INR
SEP-26-2024 83.628 INR
SEP-25-2024 83.604 INR
SEP-24-2024 83.618 INR
SEP-23-2024 83.534 INR
SEP-22-2024 83.485 INR
SEP-21-2024 83.485 INR
SEP-20-2024 83.484 INR
SEP-19-2024 83.627 INR
SEP-18-2024 83.636 INR
SEP-17-2024 83.783 INR
SEP-16-2024 83.852 INR
SEP-15-2024 83.879 INR
SEP-14-2024 83.879 INR
SEP-13-2024 83.889 INR
SEP-12-2024 83.918 INR
SEP-11-2024 83.982 INR
SEP-10-2024 83.968 INR
SEP-09-2024 83.957 INR
SEP-08-2024 83.984 INR
SEP-07-2024 83.984 INR
SEP-06-2024 83.976 INR
SEP-05-2024 83.988 INR
SEP-04-2024 83.983 INR
SEP-03-2024 83.961 INR
SEP-02-2024 83.907 INR
SEP-01-2024 83.884 INR
AUG-31-2024 83.884 INR

Comparison of Gold Prices in this Month (2023)

Country Name: India, Currency: INR, Unit: Gram
Date 14K 24K Gold Difference
SEP-29-2024 4166 7142 2976 INR
SEP-28-2024 4166 7142 2976 INR
SEP-27-2024 4158 7128 2970 INR
SEP-26-2024 4199 7198 2999 INR
SEP-25-2024 4172 7153 2980 INR
SEP-24-2024 4168 7145 2977 INR
SEP-23-2024 4116 7056 2940 INR
SEP-22-2024 4104 7036 2932 INR
SEP-21-2024 4104 7036 2932 INR
SEP-20-2024 4105 7037 2932 INR
SEP-19-2024 4059 6959 2900 INR
SEP-18-2024 4024 6899 2875 INR
SEP-17-2024 4037 6921 2884 INR
SEP-16-2024 4058 6956 2898 INR
SEP-15-2024 4060 6960 2900 INR
SEP-14-2024 4060 6960 2900 INR
SEP-13-2024 4058 6957 2899 INR
SEP-12-2024 4024 6899 2875 INR
SEP-11-2024 3956 6781 2826 INR
SEP-10-2024 3964 6795 2831 INR
SEP-09-2024 3942 6757 2815 INR
SEP-08-2024 3934 6744 2810 INR
SEP-07-2024 3934 6744 2810 INR
SEP-06-2024 3928 6733 2805 INR
SEP-05-2024 3963 6794 2831 INR
SEP-04-2024 3927 6732 2805 INR
SEP-03-2024 3925 6728 2803 INR
SEP-02-2024 3942 6757 2816 INR
SEP-01-2024 3939 6752 2813 INR
AUG-31-2024 3939 6752 2813 INR

This page is about the latest 14K gold price per Gram in India in currency: Indian Rupee (INR), while charts related to the current 14K gold rates in India(Kolkata) per Gram are presented above as well. The 14K gold is 58.33% pure.
Note: The US date format being used in this page(i.e., mm-dd-yyyy).

24K 23K 22K 21K 18K 14K 10K